Beauty Glow

3500   3500

Available: In Stock

Beauty Glow:

Skin brightening is an advanced serum which contains five of the most effective substances needed for real results and works by helping your skin to repair and reduces blemishes and dark spots. It improves the protection of collagen.Hyaluronic Acid and Fibronectin in the skin needed for the fair,fresh look.

Beauty Glow enhances the production of healthy, new radiant skin and replenishes the skin with dee conditioning.That helps reduce melanin in skin and thus the appearance of dark spots and under eye circles. Beauty Glow uses state of the art skin whitening and brightening ingredients, skin whitening crystals,moisturizing agents and skin-repair vitamins to gently make the skin visibly fair and flawless.

Ready vanish those spots and under eyes circles.

Tired of not liking what you see in the mirror & want to get 5 shades fairer.

Scared of using Harmful chemicals on your face to look fairer.